Must-see for housewives. For you who want to shop cheaply even for 1 yen. You can compare the prices of shops. Today, one store has a special sale day, another store has a point double day, and an app that calculates and compares which one is more profitable
主婦必須アプリです!!お店舗毎にポイント還元も考慮して金額の損益計算を行い、価格比較をするアプリです。あなたは日常でこんな事がありませんか?家の周りにはスーパーがいっぱいあるけど、今日はどのお店で買い物するのが一番お得なんだろう?1円でも安く買い物したい。A店は、普段から価格は安いけど、還元ポイントが無い。B店は、価格は普通だけど、ポイント制有りで、今日は特売デー(全品5%OFF)。C店は、価格は少し高めだけど、ポイント制有りで、今日はポイント5倍デー。本アプリを使えば、どのお店が一番お得かすぐにわかります。支払金額(割引を考慮した金額)とポイント還元から損益計算を行い、お店毎に価格比較を行います。<使い方>使い方も簡単、予め店舗情報(店舗名、割引額、ポイント単価、ポイント倍数)の登録をして下さい。アプリを起動して金額を入力して「計算」ボタンを押すだけです。割引やポイント倍数がある場合は、チェックBOXを押して「計算」ボタンを押して下さい。計算金額も全店一括入力が出来ますし、各店毎に金額を設定することもできます。<設定一覧>◇店舗1~3の名称登録(お店の名前を登録)◇店舗1~3の割引登録(割引額を登録。例:全品10%OFFの場合は”10”を登録)◇店舗1~3のポイント単価(いくらで1ポイントかを登録。例:100円で1ポイント還元の場合は”100”を登録)◇店舗1~3のポイント倍数(ポイントの倍数を登録。例:5倍デーの場合は”5”を登録)<その他>本アプリの損益結果は参考程度に使用して下さい。アプリへの不満や改善のお声があれば連絡ください。ご意見を反映していきます。This is a must-have app for housewives! !!It is an application that calculates the profit and loss of the amount of money in consideration of point return for each store and compares the price.Do you have this kind of thing in your daily life? There are a lot of supermarkets around my house, but which store is the best place to shop today? I want to shop cheaply even for 1 yen.Store A is usually cheap, but there are no return points.Store B has a normal price, but there is a point system, and today is a special sale day (5% off all items).The price of C store is a little high, but there is a point system, and today is 5 times the points.With this app, you can quickly find out which store is the best deal. Profit and loss is calculated from the payment amount (amount considering discount) and point return, and the price is compared for each store.Easy to use, please register the store information (store name, discount amount, point unit price, point multiple) in advance. All you have to do is launch the app, enter the amount and press the "Calculate" button.If you have a discount or point multiple, please press the check box and press the "Calculate" button. You can enter the calculated amount at once for all stores, and you can also set the amount for each store.◇ Register the names of stores 1 to 3 (register the name of the store)◇ Discount registration for stores 1 to 3 (Register the discount amount. Example: Register "10" if all items are 10% off)◇ Point unit price for stores 1 to 3 (Register how much 1 point is. Example: Register "100" for 1 point return for 100 yen)◇ Point multiples of stores 1 to 3 (Register multiples of points. Example: Register "5" for 5x day)Please use the profit and loss results of this application for reference only.Please contact us if you have any complaints or improvements to the app. We will reflect your opinions.画面レイアウトを微調整